Carne y Salud platform elaborates a guide for operators in the meat sector to deal with Covid 19

Carne y Salud, in front of the different information related to the so-called coronavirus, has decided to order and expose in a clear and concise manner the most relevant aspects of this virus, officially called Covid 19. But before we go into the subject, from the platform Carne y Salud, and from Anafric, it is necessary that:

  • It is completely safe to eat meat, and the recommendations released by the WHO and the Ministry of Health are generally food handling.
  • The Spanish meat sector complies with European and national regulations, ensuring the safety of the final product and good practices throughout the food chain.

It is completely safe to eat meat, and the recommendations launched by the WHO and the Ministry of Health are generally food handling.
The Spanish meat sector complies with European and national regulations, ensuring the safety of the final product and good practices throughout the food chain.

Can we dispense with meat in our diet in these circumstances?

  • No, the inclusion of meat is essential to meet the daily requirements of certain nutrients such as iron and, therefore, it can be included in the diet 2 to 4 times a week, as stated by the Mediterranean Diet Foundation, prioritizing lean cuts and using culinary techniques that involve the addition of a minimum amount of fat or salt, as recommended by scientific societies.
  • All animal products can be safely consumed if properly handled and cooked.

What is coronovirus

  • To begin with, coronavirus is a family of viruses that is transmitted to humans and animals and can cause everything from the common cold to more severe diseases, such as MERS and SARS.
  • At this moment, coronavirus does not have a vaccine and to prevent contagion, either through small drops exhaled through the nose or mouth or through objects that have been touched by other people with coronavirus, it is necessary to have good hygiene and washing – very often hands.


  • 80% of people with coronavirus recover without treatment.
  • People with respiratory diseases or with immunodeficiencies are the most vulnerable.



  • In case of fever, cough and shortness of breath, seek medical attention.
