Welcome to ANAFRIC
A national association that defends the interests of the companies of the livestock and meat industry sector, in a transversal and plural way.
Who are our members?
Companies with activities are related to meat production and trading in a wide sense: from fattening and slaughtering livestock, to cutting, processing, storing, distributing, importing and exporting meat and meat products.
Welcome to ANAFRIC
A national association that defends the interests of the companies of the livestock and meat industry sector, in a transversal and plural way.
Who are our members?
Companies with activities are related to meat production and trading in a wide sense: from fattening and slaughtering livestock, to cutting, processing, storing, distributing, importing and exporting meat and meat products.
Do you want to join our association?
We will improve your representativeness, defend your interests and you will enjoy our exclusive service.
Action Areas
Area of communication and relationship with the associate
Daily and personalized contact with associated companies
Constant relationship with the media
Reliable and reference source in sectoral information
Online positioning of the association and its associates
Work area and training
Labor, tax and HR circulars
Specific advice on the collective agreement of meat industries
Training circulars and courses
Student internships and contacts for job hiring
Technical area
Technical legislation
Technical circulars
R&D projects
International area
Export Inquiry Service
Foreign trade circulars
Participation in international fairs
Economic and sustainability area
Evolution of national and European markets
Economic circulars
Grants and subsidies for companies in the sector
Advice on animal welfare and circular economy
Collaboration agreements with auxiliary companies
Anafric in social media
Our partners