Welcome to ANAFRIC
Who are we?
We are an association whose members are companies in the meat sector with very diverse activities such as raising livestock, fattening, slaughtering, meat cutting, processing, storage, import and export, among others.

ANAFRIC is the most representative organization in terms of marketing of sheep and goat meat carcasses in Spain, and its associated companies represent 69% of this sector.

Our members represent 27% of the pig carcasses marketed in Spain.

Regarding beef sector, ANAFRIC’s members represent 53% of the carcasses marketed in Spain.
The spanish meat sector
In Spain, there are 3,481 companies dedicated to the meat sector. In 2023, these companies produced a total of 7,425,953 tons of meat and 1,479,418 tons of meat derivatives.
The meat industry remains the leading sector in the Spanish food and beverage industry, with a turnover of 33,218 million euros in 2023. This represents 2.72% of the national GDP, 27.30% of the food industry’s GDP, and 4.53% of the total industrial turnover in Spain.
Employment Generation and Support for Rural Areas
The meat sector is also the largest employer in the food industry, with 113,464 direct jobs, accounting for 29.46% of total employment in this industry. The sector consists mostly of small and medium-sized enterprises and family-owned businesses, alongside large corporate groups, some of which are internationally renowned leaders. These companies, mainly located in rural areas, play a crucial role in the economic and social development of these regions.
Meat Exports
Exports continue to be a key driver of competitiveness for the Spanish meat industry, reaching a record value of 10,583 million euros in 2023, a 6.2% increase over 2022. The total volume exported that year was 3.1 million tons.
Meat Production in Spain
According to the Livestock Slaughter Survey by MAPA, 7,425,953 tons of meat were produced in 2023, a decrease of 1.96% compared to 2022. Pork remains the most produced meat, with 4,851,858 tons, although this represented a 3.5% decline from the previous year.
This reduction in production is attributed to several factors, such as rising production costs and live animal prices, shrinking margins for farmers and processors, market uncertainties due to various geopolitical factors, and slowing exports. Despite this decline, Spain holds a 4.8% share of global pork production, ranking third worldwide, behind China and the United States, and is the leading producer in the EU.
Regarding other species, poultry production reached 1.7 million tons in 2023, with a 5.2% increase, followed by equine with 11,108 tons (+0.3%). Beef production, with 694,869 tons, decreased by 5.3%, while sheep and goat production, with 115,609 tons, fell by 11.9%. Rabbit meat production was 36,957 tons, a decline of 9.7%.
Meat and Meat Derivatives Consumption in Households
In 2023, per capita household consumption of chicken was 11.65 kg per year, an increase of 10.8% compared to 2022. Pork consumption was 8.93 kg per capita per year (+3.7%), beef 3.80 kg per capita per year (-0.8%), and sheep/goat 0.82 kg per capita per year (-9.9%).
Regarding meat derivatives, household consumption in 2023 was 10.31 kg per capita per year, representing a 2.2% decrease compared to the previous year.
+ Because your company is important and your worries are unique for us.
+ Because we give an immediate solution to your technical, legal and social enquiries, and we give you support before public bodies.
+ Because you will be updated about prices and trends of the meat markets, as well as the legislation that concerns our sector.
+ Because we promote food safety, animal welfare and sustainability standards.
+ Because we inform and advise you on food exhibitions and events.
+ Because we have a direct contact with our information sources.
+ Because we are members of UECBV (the main meat sector European Association) and the Spanish interbranches INTEROVIC (sheep and goat meat), PROVACUNO (beef) and INTERPORC (pork).
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