ANAFRIC highlights the importance of the recent trip by the President of the Government to China, but calls for greater support for the meat sector

ANAFRIC, a meat industry association, has positively valued the recent trip by the President of the Government of Spain to China, considering that it represents a step forward in trade relations between both countries. However, the Spanish meat sector, particularly that of pork, continues to face barriers that must be urgently addressed to maximize export potential. José Friguls, president of ANAFRIC, has stressed the need to implement concrete measures to support the competitiveness of the industry. “At ANAFRIC, we value the recent trip by the President of the Government to China as an important step forward for our trade relations. The support and commitment of the Government in defending the interests of the sector is crucial for the Spanish meat sector, particularly that of pork,” said Friguls.


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In this regard, ANAFRIC applauds the efforts of INTERPORC, the Interprofessional Organisation of White Coat Porcine, which has underlined the importance of trade relations with China and has highlighted the value that the trade maintained by Spanish pork companies has for the national economy.

Despite the progress achieved during the visit of the President of the Government, ANAFRIC considers that trade barriers that limit the competitiveness of the sector still persist. “We urge the Government to reinforce its support for these measures and to implement concrete actions to overcome these obstacles. The meat sector is fundamental for our economy and requires more effective attention to maximise its export potential,” concluded the president of ANAFRIC.


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