Anafric meets with the ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to strengthen bilateral relations between both countries

In an act that underlines the importance of commercial ties between Spain and the People’s Republic of China, the president of the Anafric meat business association, José Friguls, visited the Chinese embassy in Spain to hold a high-level meeting with ambassador Yao Jing.

During this significant meeting, the crucial role of Spain as the main supplier of pork products to China was emphasized. Friguls highlighted the importance of maintaining trust in Spanish companies and consolidating the excellent commercial relations that currently exist between both nations. Likewise, the opening of the Chinese market to Spanish beef and sheep-goat products was proposed, highlighting that this expansion would greatly benefit both economies.


Anafric se reúne con el embajador chino en España
Anafric meets with the Chinese ambassador to Spain, Yao Jing





Spain: Leader in pork exports

In 2023, Spain reaffirmed its position as the main supplier of pork products to China, exporting 560,488 tons, which represents 20.3% of the total volume imported by China in this sector, with a value of 1,223 million euros.

Of particular relevance were fresh meat exports, which reached 294,885 tons valued at 682.1 million euros; the offal, with 260,608 tons worth 501.1 million euros; and ham, with 2,404 tons valued at 35.6 million euros.

Special mention deserves the notable evolution in 2023 of exports of boned pieces, which experienced a growth of 19.8% in volume (861 tons) and an increase of 19.4% in value, reaching 12.26 million euros.

This meeting reflects Anafric’s firm intention to continue promoting and strengthening commercial ties with China, thus consolidating a strategic alliance that promises mutual benefits and long-term sustainability.


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