Anafric renews its framework collaboration agreement with IRTA for the livestock and meat sector

The general director of IRTA, Josep Usall, and the president of Anafric, José Friguls, have signed in Barcelona the renewal of the framework collaboration agreement between both organizations. This agreement establishes the bases to carry out activities of common interest in the livestock and meat sector.


Acord renovació IRTA Anafric



The collaboration will take place through the identification, development and execution of specific actions in different areas of the sector. These actions will include proposals for joint research projects, technological services, and contracts for technological developments and knowledge transfer.

The president of Anafric, José Friguls, highlighted that “given that innovation is one of the strategic pillars for the future of companies in the sector, the renewal of this agreement not only formalizes an already existing collaboration between IRTA and Anafric, but also opens new opportunities to bring research and technological advances closer to meat companies.”

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