Interview with Antonio Escribano, specialist in Endocrinology and sports medicine: “You cannot make the population think that if they do not eat meat they will be better”

The specialist in Endocrinology and sports medicine, Antonio Escribano answers in the Cordoba newspaper to the key question that has raised blisters in the sector after the statements of the Minister of Consumption, Alberto Garzón, about the need to eat less meat.

“Meat is a fundamental food within the diet of the human being. We are omnivores and we need the consumption of meat as a fundamental part of the diet. Within a balanced diet we have to eat between 3 and 5 pieces of fruit daily; vegetables 2 times a day and meat 3-5 times a week. We should eat 35 meals a week, of which 5 of them have to include meat. ”

Dr. Escribano points out that “we have been eating meat for millions of years and it gives us many things. Eating meat is not causing harm nor is it a lesser evil.”

Regarding red meats, the Endocrinology specialist is blunt: “Red meat is rich in iron and protein. You do not have to reduce consumption, but take it in the right measure, just as you should not eat 12 pieces of fruit a day or 1 kg of broccoli per day “.

You can download the interview al this LINK.


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