ASOPROVAC affirms that the Royal Decree that regulates the CAP creates a “rupture and will mean the ruin of a large number of farmers”. The organization criticizes that the document “has been prepared with its back to the Spanish countryside and therefore ignoring the concerns of the livestock sector.”
After the publication in the BOE of the Royal Decree that regulates the aid of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) during the transition period set between 2021 and 2022, ASOPROVAC affirms that this is not “transitory, nor fluid” and they consider that “not the supposed linearity in the convergence it proclaims is being respected ”.
From the Association of Beef Beef Producers they criticize that “this Government has not only been unable to implement measures to support beef after a year of enormous economic difficulties and in which it has been producing losses for several months – thanks in part to the support of the CAP – if not that, with this panorama, they publish an RD that will de facto expel a large number of farmers from the CAP system for a period of two years that was supposed to be a smooth transition that However, it will end up causing the closure of many farms in our country.
The consequences will be the first disappearance of small and medium-sized farmers in the country and later the growth of the intensification and integration of the rest, in total inconsistency with what the current society is demanding “.
More information in Revista Cárnica.