Bureau Veritas has obtained authorization to act as an independent certifier of the Animal Welfare seal PROVACUNO Animal Welfare Spain (PAWS). The objective of this guarantee, created by the Interprofessional Agrifood Organization of Beef, under the brand “Commitment to Animal Welfare” is to guarantee to the consumer society that certified products derived from beef, identified with said brand, come from operators that they meet strict animal welfare and traceability requirements.
In this way, the slaughter processing centers verify the transport of the cattle, the optimal care and cleanliness of their stables. Likewise, the specialized team of Bureau Veritas will establish controls on the start-up of suitable stunning and slaughter operations that avoid stressful situations in the animals.
PAWS also consolidates traceability and chain of custody in the beef food industry. Additionally, Bureau Veritas will carry out traceability verifications of meat products at points of sale to the consumer, from the food industries.