The new Sustainable Livestock Intergroup is organising a conference on animal transport in the European Parliament. “What would happen if we finally gave a voice to those who handle animals on a daily basis? What if we look at the studies carried out on how to implement science in practice?” The event will take place on 5 March, from 4 to 5.30 pm.
The intergroup aims to provide a platform for Members of the European Parliament to discuss both the diversity of existing agricultural practices and emerging methods and technologies that support and improve livestock farming systems. It also seeks to develop information tools to raise awareness about food production.
Welcome speeches
Alexander Bernhuber MEP
Maria Grapini MEP
Benoît Cassart MEP
I. What if we listened to those who handle animals on a daily basis?
ASOPROVAC video on animal transport (Spanish Livestock Association)
Extract from Video report “Les-routiers profession chauffeur poids lourd, l’appel de la route” and testimonies from Teddy and Armonie (livestock transporters)
II. What do the studies say on different aspects?
Research on the health and welfare aspects of intra-EU trade in Irish dairy calves – Emer Kennedy, Teagasc (TBC)
Protection of pigs during transport: what is the cost for the EU pig industry? – Patrick Chevillon, IFIP (French Pig Institute)
SEPAB study (French transporters) in collaboration with INRAE - Laurent Trémoulet
III. Exchange of views with the speakers on animal welfare during transport, DG SANTE, and the participants
For interested MEPs, attendees and advisors: Live demonstration of a livestock truck in front of the European Parliament.
The intergroup was formed in early 2025. Its first co-chairs, who are also the main supporters of the initiative, are MEPs Alexander Bernhuber (AT, EPP), Maria Grapini (RO, S&D) and Benoît Cassart (BE, Renew).
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