Eighth edition of the PronosVac awards from Mercolleida

The Spanish beef sector has a date this Wednesday, February 5, in Consuegra (Toledo), where the PronosVac awards will be presented, organized by Mercolleida. These awards recognize the best analysts of the MonVac (National Market of Origin for Beef Cattle) table.



Pronosvac organizado por Mercolleida




As usual, the celebration is hosted in each edition by a different member of the MonVac table and this year it is the turn of Hermanos Contento SL, who will receive the attendees of the event at the facilities of Avicon, a livestock cooperative of which they are members and in which the manager of Hermanos Contento SL, Ángel Mario Contento, is its president.

The members who form part of MonVac and who represent producers, slaughterhouses and commercial intermediaries of national relevance and prestige, meet every Wednesday at the Mercolleida facilities in the so-called Price Meetings. During these meetings, operators provide their knowledge of the market situation so that Mercolleida can establish the weekly price of Spanish beef cattle that best reflects reality. Prior to the session, operators make a forecast of the result with which they believe Mercolleida will close the session and based on this forecast the PronosVac awards are organized: the analysts who have had the most correct predictions during 2024 will be the winners in this edition.

The PronosVac awards highlight the work of the best analysts in four categories of Spanish beef cattle: Crossbred Male, Crossbred Female, Friesian and Catalan Female. These awards have gained notoriety in the sector and have already become a benchmark at the national level where the most representative operators in the country attend.

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