The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) approved yesterday by 164 votes in favor the report Benefits of extensive livestock farming and organic fertilizers in the context of the European Green Pact, promoted by the Union of Small Farmers and Ranchers (UPA). The report recognizes extensive livestock farming for its key role in providing “sustainable, healthy, safe and excellent quality” food. A cattle ranch capable of producing food from the use of local natural resources such as mountain areas, pastures, marginal lands or areas that are difficult to cultivate.
The report describes as “essential” to safeguard and protect extensive livestock, ensuring fair prices for producers and adequate and sufficient help in the CAP, recognizing the importance of pastoralism and all the intangible cultural heritage that it carries, and giving differentiated treatment and favorable in public policies to this model, especially in the CAP, giving greater flexibility when defining the areas of admissible pasture.
The report recognizes extensive livestock farming for its key role in providing “sustainable, healthy, safe and excellent quality” food.
The “Farm to Fork” and Biodiversity strategies, as well as the European Green Deal as a whole, mark a way forward in which extensive farming constitutes for the EESC “an exemplary model of sustainable production in environmental, social and environmental terms. economic, which contributes to the maintenance of the landscape, biodiversity, the socio-economic development of the rural environment, the protection of the European cultural and ethnographic heritage, as well as the prevention of fires and the capture of CO2 from the atmosphere ”.