FIAB calls for a period of adaptation to apply the new sustainability regulations

The Spanish Federation of Food and Beverage Industries (FIAB), with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA), has organized a conference in which it has analyzed the new obligations of companies in the sector in terms of sustainability.



In his presentation, the general director of FIAB, Mauricio García de Quevedo, argued that the sector meets and exceeds the environmental objectives of very demanding regulations and regretted “its excessive regulation”.

During his speech he also highlighted that the food and beverage industry has been working for some time on environmentally sustainable practices, such as the use of clean production technologies, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, waste management and the use of renewable energy.

“We share the objectives of the legislation”, but “it is necessary that companies have a sufficient period of adaptation to apply the new regulations, because otherwise their capacity for investment and job creation is limited, especially in the case of SMEs, which represent 95% of the sector”, he said.

More information at FIAB.



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