Germany plans mandatory animal welfare label

The German government plans to introduce mandatory animal welfare labeling as part of its efforts to transition to an agroecological system. According to the magazine Eurocarne, this label should cover the breeding, transport and slaughter of cattle. The new label, the green part of the German Coalition Government, must be introduced together with support for a new production system to replace the current “exploitation system”. Detailed proposals for the new national label will be released this year.

Given the financial situation of German farmers, which would mean a lower presence of animals on farms, German Minister Cem Özdemir asked that “cheap meat” not be sold, alluding to the price of meat at origin. On the other hand, a survey has been carried out, prepared by a well-known environmental organization, in which it is highlighted that 78% of those surveyed would welcome the mandatory statutory labeling of the breeding conditions for “all meat and dairy products” in retail and gastronomy.

Fuente Eurocarne.


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