The ministries of Labor, Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, together with the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESA A) and different scientific societies have prepared a guide for the prevention and control of covid-19 in the meat industry. It is a guide based on scientific evidence that allows guaranteeing food safety, protecting the health and safety of all people who work in the food industry.
Some basic information to keep in mind:
Before going to work.
- Symptoms: watch for cough, fever, shortness of breath. You should not go to work until a medical evaluation has been performed. You should not go to work until you confirm that there is no risk of contagion for the person or for others.
- If you have been in contact with a person who may have been infected, do not go to work.
- Occupational risks will prepare a report that certifies the temporary disability and the primary care services will trace the contacts.
Transport and mobility.
- The mask is mandatory. Use the mobility options that best guarantee the space of 1.5 meters of safety distance.
- If you use a bike, motorcycle, or walk to work, wear a mask.
- Public transport is used, mandatory mask.
- If a private or company-provided vehicle is used, two people may move for each row of seats.
- In vehicles with cabins or vans, only two people can travel.
- In company buses, there will be distance between passengers, a mask will be used and there will be daily cleaning and disinfection.
Organizational measures
- Workers especially sensitive to coronavirus infection will be evaluated and prevention and protection measures will be increased.
- Workers will be made aware of the importance of communicating symptoms as soon as possible.
- Entry and exit zones will be established
- Staggered entry and exit times will be promoted.
- There will be informational posters on hand hygiene and respiratory prevention measures.
- Teleworking will be promoted.
- Shifts of workers will be established where they are always the same number and composition.
- Hygienic measures will be reinforced to minimize cross contamination.
- All the above measures will also be fulfilled in common areas (warehouses, toilets, changing rooms, dining rooms).
- Pedal sinks in common areas.
- Access by outsiders will be prevented.
Training and information on preventive measures
- Establish communication channels and what to do when cases appear.
- Use of posters and signage with a simple image and understandable language.
General hygiene measures
- Frequent hand washing with soap and water.
- Maintain a supply of disposable tissues, water, soap, hydroalcoholic gel and PPE
- Coughing and sneezing into the mask
- Avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose.
Cleaning, disinfection and ventilation
- Ensure daily cleaning and disinfection of workplaces and means of transportation. This will intensify depending on the use.
- Daily cleaning and disinfection of surfaces, handles, knobs, railings, buttons, toilets, rest areas, changing rooms, dining rooms, self-vending machines and water fountains.
- The protection of the cleaning personnel must be ensured.
- Increase air renewal in work spaces on a daily basis.
Waste management
- Bins should be available at all points where they are needed.
- It is recommended that tissues be deposited in a pedal-operated, lidded bin.
- The personal hygiene material goes to the remainder fraction.
Collaboration with the Labor Inspection and the SS
- Joint visits to the companies can be planned to prepare the corresponding reports.
- The company must collaborate.
Management of sick workers, close contacts or especially sensitive
- It must be ensured that anyone who develops suspicious symptoms of COVID-19 and / or has a diagnosis of a confirmed case of COVID-19 can effectively isolate themselves from other workers. In case of living with other workers in the meat industry, the worker will be isolated in a single room and will wear a mask.
- If the accommodation does not allow this type of isolation, an alternative will be sought for the isolation and quarantine of these workers.
Temporary disability
- In order to protect public health, they are considered, on an exceptional basis, a situation assimilated to an accident at work.
- The health service of the occupational risk prevention service will prepare the report so that the indication of temporary disability (IT) is accredited, in order to facilitate the attention services.