What is the expected trend in consumer trends in the EU? According to the European Commission’s 2019-2030 Agricultural Outlook Report, social demand will be a key factor in shaping agricultural markets in the coming years. Health, food origin, environment, animal welfare or climate change will shape the evolution of the EU agri-food market in the coming decade.
Some details that mark the path are:
- 35% of EU citizens are concerned about food additives and environmental pollutants.
- 50% are interested in food origin, price, food security and taste.
- Consumers have more means of accessing food information, which leads to a change in shopping behaviors.
- It is hoped that the change in habits will lead to a slight decrease in EU meat consumption and an increase in vegetarian and vegan diets among younger generations.
- The same market transformations result in higher consumption of ready-to-eat products: snacks.
- Meat consumption is expected to fall in the EU but will increase in other markets (Africa and Asia).
The report raises various scenarios in which meat consumption is agreed within ten years. To see these scenarios, you can access the report with the partner password.