“Hi ha una demanda creixent i el sector porcí espanyol està capacitat per abastir-la, i fer-ho bé. Responem als nivells d’exigència que ens demanen internacionalment: qualitat i seguretat alimentària, benestar animal i protecció del medi ambient”, ha subratllat Alberto Herranz, director de la Interprofessional del Porcí de Capa Blanca espanyol (INTERPORC).
“There is a growing demand and the Spanish pig sector is able to supply it, and do it well. We respond to the levels of demand that are demanded of us internationally: food quality and safety, animal welfare and protection of the environment ”, stressed Alberto Herranz, director of the Interprofessional of the Spanish White-Capped Pork (INTERPORC).
Herranz recalled that the sector works under the most demanding production model in the world and “that is what allows us to be present in more than a hundred countries where our work is admired”. In this sense, he has stated that INTERPORC is developing an ambitious Internationalization Plan to help Spanish companies bring meat and pork products.
The strength of the Spanish pig sector lies, according to its director, in its “powerful and productive structure with tens of thousands of farms, industries, companies and cooperatives; in its high capacity to generate and maintain stable employment, more than 427,200 workers representing 12.5% of all direct agri-food employment in Spain; and in its important contribution to the public coffers with more than 2,100 million euros per year ”.
It is a key sector in the development of rural areas, “where it has a high experience and specialization in the generation of activity and employment and where it is highly trained to generate new economic and business activity and new employment.”