INTERPORC presents its strategy to support internationalization

INTERPORC has participated in a conference organized by the Business Federation of Meat and Meat Industries (FECIC) aimed at its exporting companies. There, its International Director, Daniel de Miguel, has presented the main figures that define the situation of the Spanish pork sector abroad.

During his speech, De Miguel analyzed the evolution of Spanish exports in the Spanish pork sector, and highlighted that in the last decade “it has been a global benchmark thanks to its ability to diversify its sales and be present in 130 international markets, positioning a wide variety of meat products.

On a closer level, in the last three years sales to the European Union have increased by 29.5%, going from 1.11 million tons in 2020 to 1.45 million tons in 2023, which consolidates its leadership as a supplier of pork products in Europe.


INTERPORC Jornada Exportación

Regarding the most current situation, in the first third of 2024 exports have increased slightly in volume by 0.6% (932,000 tons), with a small decline of 0.3% in value (2.9 billion euros). In the case of China, exports have been reduced by 14% in volume, although that country remains the main customer of Spanish pork, receiving 18% of sectoral exports. Italy, France, Japan, the Philippines and Poland are the next largest buyers in volume.



De Miguel highlighted that the data confirm Spain as a world power in pork. A situation to which the guarantee of quality and food safety of its products, as well as the actions carried out by INTERPORC in terms of internationalization, have contributed decisively, aimed mainly “at enhancing knowledge of the pork sector and its products in markets. of interest such as China, Japan, the USA, the Philippines, South Korea, Vietnam or Mexico, among others.”

Likewise, he explained, “we work on actions that promote the commercialization of the different products in the sector and we develop various efforts to support the Administration for the opening of new markets, providing logistical support in audits of third countries.”

During the day, the main current issues of Spanish foreign meat trade have been put on the table for analysis and debate: current situation of negotiations for the opening of new markets (countries and/or products), border controls and procedure of export certification, balance of the latest inspection visits to third countries and upcoming planned ones or international communication and promotion actions that are being carried out by the Interprofessionals of white pigs and cattle in target markets.

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