Anafric, a national meat association, has held its general assembly and has ratified José Friguls Joe as president of the entity for four more years, and has expanded the board of directors to 11 associated meat companies (Carlos Colomer, Carns Pont, Companyia General Càrnia, Escorxador Reixach, Franco y Navarro, Càrniques de Juià, Fribin, Frimancha, Ramtaub, Sucarn, Suministros Megaro Foods and Viñals Soler) and incorporating the vice-president of Acexpiel, Carles Riba, and the president of AETRIN, Vicente Gallent.
José Friguls has shown his satisfaction for continuing in office and for being able to “continue working, in collaboration with the Administration and the other livestock-meat associations, on issues such as ASF, the high prices of raw materials, the problems with which find certain meat exports to certain countries, the problems of our livestock farms, the strengthening of the Interprofessional of pigs, cattle and sheep-goats or tax measures and the promotion of employment in the meat sector, in this complicated stage that is being living by the health crisis due to covid-19 “.
Under his presidency, Anafric has positioned itself as a benchmark employer in the meat sector, combining the interests of the different actors: cattle ranchers, slaughterhouses, exporters, distributors, associations and butchery unions. Anafric has always continued, betting on expanding its representation to make it more transversal, transparent and open.
Reinforcement with the covid-19 crisis
With the pandemic and the health crisis, Anafric has made every effort to highlight the work of an essential service, to defend the interests of the sector by negotiating with the Government the return of VAT on exports, to be able to meet the expenses of suppliers or workers’ salaries, or demanding that the HORECA provider sector be reflected in the aid for the reactivation of the economy. But he has also been an active part in the defense for the continuity of the Mercabarna slaughterhouse.
José Friguls will not give his arm to twist. “We have open fronts. We have to be bigger and stronger. With the new Board our representation of the sector is greater.”
The president of ANAFRIC has held this position since 2005. His professional career began in his childhood, in the family business located in the Gracia neighborhood of Barcelona. In addition, he is part of the Board of Directors of the European employers’ association UECBV, held the treasury and is vice president of Pimec Agro-Alimentaria.