The Government of La Rioja has paid nearly 10 million euros in direct CAP aid for the 2021 campaign to 4,514 farmers and livestock farmers. A total of 7.17 million euros corresponds to the payment to 4,486 farmers and livestock farmers of the entire payment of the small farmers’ scheme and 95 percent of the payment of the basic payment aid -income support scheme-, the green payment aid and the supplementary aid for young people. In addition, 90 percent of the balance of various coupled aids will be paid. With the December payment, the amount already paid for the 2021 CAP campaign totals 24 million euros.
On 17 December, payments will continue for files pending correction of errors. The rest of the pending files will be made throughout 2022, as soon as possible and before 30 June 2022, which is the date established by the regulations for the payments of the campaign. The pending payments include the associated aid in livestock farming for fattening cattle farms; the associated aid in agriculture for quality pulses; the amounts corresponding to the allocation of the national reserve of basic payment entitlements for the 2021 campaign and the percentage of payment pending up to the totality of the lines already subsidised, fundamentally.
Strategic Plan for the new CAP, open for consultation
In parallel to the payment process for the CAP 2021 campaign, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has opened for public consultation the document of the national Strategic Plan for the application of the new CAP in Spain, which will come into force in 2023. The document is published on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and is available to any interested party. The public consultation is part of the strategic environmental assessment procedure that must accompany the CAP Strategic Plan, which will be sent to the European Commission before the end of the year.
The new CAP is focused on maintaining a balance between the profitability of agricultural and livestock farms and the environmental and climate commitment, until 2027, and advocates intensifying innovation and promoting quality, competitive, safe and more ecological agriculture. At the same time, it will serve to bring more transparent products to the markets, in terms of compliance with food safety regulations, and to promote a new agricultural model in Europe.