MEAT XPERIENCE will address the challenge of generational change for specialized meat retail

MEATXPERIENCE will address the generational change as one of the challenges for the butcher shops, delicatessens and poultry sector during its celebration on October 27 and 28 in La Farga de l’Hospitalet, as pointed out by Antoni Gálvez, president of the  Gremi de Carnissers Xarcuters i Aviram de Barcelona i Comarques, and one of the promoters of the fair, in a statement from the organization.



“The generational change is the future of our sector. It will ensure the continuity of the trade and allows us to adapt to the needs of the new generations and keep this trade alive. In addition, the new generations bring us innovation and adoption of new technologies. Digitalization “It is essential for the sector and it will not be effective without the incorporation of the generational change. Now what is needed is to encourage them to join a sector of the future.”

More information on the organization’s website.


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