Mobility restrictions begin in Catalonia and other communities. In Catalonia, movement limitations are municipal and will last until January 17. We remind you that livestock, slaughterhouses, distributors and transporters are essential services and, therefore, do not benefit from this limitation.
Annex 2 of Decree Law 27/2020 of July 13 specifies that the services declared essential are “security and emergencies; Health; pharmacy; Optical, orthopedic and physical therapy services; prison services; social and residential services; the activities of representation of workers and employers; funeral services; judicial services; notaries for urgent procedures by appointment; electricity; drinking water; sewage water; water purification services; fuels; gas; telecommunications, media and press services; urban and industrial waste; banks and finance; insurance; sanitary waste; health and pharmacy supplies; production and distribution of food for humans and for farms and animal centers, live animals (transport and veterinarians); slaughterhouses; public transport services; lawyers, solicitors, social graduates, translators, interpreters and psychologists who attend procedural proceedings; legal advice, administrative agencies and social graduates and occupational risk prevention, in urgent matters; universal postal service of the state operator and courier and home delivery services; public administration services essential for the operation of public services; special education services; services of public and private works that cannot be postponed or for essential services; emergency maintenance and repairs; commerce by internet, telephone or correspondence; essential computer services; cleaning and laundry services; meteorological services; mining services; ITV service; first aid services and tourist accommodation or other similar that have been defined as an essential service for the isolation of those affected and contacts by the declared pandemic “.