New initiative to combat advertising of vegan products sold as meat

The PSOE has registered an initiative in Congress urging the fight against misleading advertising of certain vegan or vegetarian products sold as meat products. Through a non-legislative proposal for debate in the Agriculture Commission, the socialists see it as “necessary and urgent” for Spain to join the trend of European countries consisting of protecting the consumer from the possible confusion that this type of product may generate and adopting the measures that “are necessary for this purpose.”



What is happening in other countries

Similar practices are observed in other countries in the European environment and action has begun. For example, France banned the use of certain nouns such as steak, escalope or ham for products of plant origin last February.

In 2019, Finland published a food information guide stating that the names of products of animal origin are reserved only for those products, prohibiting terms such as ‘vegan bacon’ or ‘vegan steak’, among others.

Italy approved a law in November 2023 that prohibits the production and sale of synthetic foods, such as cultured meat.

They also recall a note addressed to the Council of Ministers of Agriculture of the EU and signed by Austria, France, the Czech Republic, Greece or Hungary warning about the threat that cultured meat poses to food production.


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