Public consultation on the Royal Decree on Livestock Emissions. Download the RD here!

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has launched a public consultation on the draft Royal Decree that will regulate the registration of BEST TECHNIQUES for the calculation, monitoring and reporting of emissions in livestock farming. This Royal Decree will be applicable to all farms of all livestock species subject to the requirement to apply and notify Best Available Techniques in national or European regulations.  The deadline for sending comments to the public consultation is 23 December via email [email protected].


This royal decree establishes:

  • The obligations of farm owners and the information to be provided by each farm.
  • The relationship of the information provided with other environmental obligations of the owners.

As a general premise, the draft Royal Decree explains that Spain has made a series of commitments on environmental and climate issues at international level, to which “all sectors, including the livestock sector” must contribute, and makes special mention of the fact that “farm owners are responsible for the correct management of emissions generated by ammonia, methane and nitrous oxide by applying techniques aimed at avoiding or, where this is not possible, reducing emissions and the impact on the environment as a whole”.

For this reason, MAPA considers it necessary to provide the livestock sector and the competent authorities with a SUPPORT at national level which:

  • Facilitates the calculation, monitoring and reporting of emissions from each farm.
  • To monitor the extent of pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • To monitor the efficient use of natural resources.

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