Raúl Muñiz, President of INTEROVIC and representative of Agri-Food Cooperatives of Spain, has been re-elected as President of the Copa-Cogeca Sheep and Goat Working Group, the organization that defends the interests of farmers and cooperatives in the EU.
In his renewed leadership, Muñiz is committed to defending the sector’s interests in key debates such as the reform of the animal welfare regulations in transport and trade negotiations with third countries. He emphasized that Spain, as the largest sheep producer in the EU, must assert its position in these discussions.
The sheep and goat sector faces urgent challenges such as generational renewal, farm profitability, and the impact of climate change. Muñiz underscores the importance of cooperativism as a tool to improve competitiveness and ensure the sector’s sustainability.
Regarding the new political context in the EU, Muñiz considers the role of the new Agriculture Commissioner to be fundamental and hopes that the European Commission will implement regulations more tailored to the sector’s needs.
With 26% of EU sheep production and 22% of goat production, Spain plays a strategic role in European livestock farming. However, the sector faces challenges such as rising production costs and competition from imports from third countries with less stringent regulations. Muñiz warns that the sheep sector is one of the sectors most affected by international trade agreements.
The full interview is available in Revista Cárnica.
Image: Revista Cárnica.