Supply of 7 million litres of water to 41 municipalities to ensure the survival of livestock farms in the Valencian Community

The Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Water, Livestock and Fisheries of the Generalitat Valenciana has already supplied 7 million litres of water to ensure the survival of cattle and alleviate the serious effects of the drought in the Valencian Community.

Of the total litres supplied since the Consell launched this initiative on 29 July, 6,000,000 have gone to livestock farms in the province of Castellón, 668,000 to the province of Valencia and 200,000 to farms in Alicante.


Suministro de 7 millones de litros de agua para abastecer a la ganadería en Valencia


Miguel Barrachina, Regional Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, recalls that the aim of this action is “to alleviate the negative effects that the extreme drought situation is causing and to show all our support to the livestock sector”.

By municipalities, in the province of Castellón, livestock farms in Ares, Villafranca, Morella, Cinctorres, Segorbe, Castell de Cabres, Catí, Zucaina, Alcalà de Xivert, Pina de Montalgrao, Viver, Villahermosa del Rio, Geldo, Albocàsser, Vistabella, Vall d’Uixó, Vilar de Canes, Culla, Rossel, Portell de Morella, Altura, have received water. t, Cervera del Maestre, Villamalefa Castle and Jérica.

In the province of Alicante, livestock farms in Castell de Guadalest, Tárbena, Castell de Castells, Altea, Benissa, Benigembla and Vila Joiosa have received water tanks. In the province of Valencia, the municipalities of Navarrés, Enguera, Gestargar, Fontanars, Chera, Andilla and La Yesa, Alpuente and Yátova have received water.

This measure, which involves a total investment of 1.4 million euros, will guarantee the survival of 76,000 heads of cattle in the three provinces.

*Image from


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