Anafric, a meat business association together with 11 other associations in the sector have obtained the approval of the CAC (Audiovisual Council of Catalonia) which describes as illegal and, therefore, misleading advertising, a communication that the supermarket company Veritas performed during the month of April. This communication was made on the occasion of Health Day and, among other messages, referred to the fact that organic food “comes from a farm that respects animal welfare and does not take hormones”, providing consumers with the preconceived notion that “livestock that does not have the organic brand does take hormones”, explains José Friguls, president of Anafric. The CAC has shown that the contents of the wedge were “clearly misleading, associating its products with being free of hormones”. The CAC has made it clear, thanks to the European argument provided, that the sector does not use hormones in animals intended for meat consumption, in any case.
The CAC has decided that the content of the advertisement must stop broadcasting since “it contains elements that allow it to be classified as illegal advertising and, therefore, prohibited”.
This action has been carried out jointly with 11 other associations defending the meat sector:
- ASFAC (Associació Catalana de Fabricants d’Aliments Compostos)
- Asoprovac Catalunya (Associació Catalana de Criadors de Boví de Carn)
- ASSOCAT (Associació d’Empresaris d’Escorxadors i Comerç d’Aviram, Conills, Ous i Caça de Catalunya)
- Carnissers xarcuters i aviram -Gremi de Barcelona i comarques,
- FAC (Federació Avícola Catalana),
- Federació de Cooperatives Agràries de Catalunya
- FECIC (Federación Empresarial de Carnes e Industrias Cárnicas)
- GREMICARN (Gremi de Carnissers-Cansaladers-Xarcuters de Barcelona i Comarques)
- JARC (Joves Agricultors i Ramaders de Catalunya)
- PORCAT (Associació Catalana de Productors de Porcí)
- Unió de Pagesos
From Anafric, an association that represents meat companies in Catalonia and Spain, we want to state the following:
-La legislació europea, espanyola i catalana és de de les més restrictives, avançades i completes del món en el tema del benestar animal. All farms, all of them, whether or not they have the ecological MARK, must comply with the legislation. Therefore, any relationship between hormones and livestock is totally false.
To access the legal statement with the decision and agreement of the CAC, click on this link enllaç.