The Chamber of Commerce of Sabadell and the Butchers, Butchers and Poultry Business Guild of Barcelona and Regions sign an agreement to train young people in the meat sector

The Chamber of Commerce of Sabadell and the Butchers, Butchers and Poultry Business Guild of Barcelona and Comarques have signed a collaboration agreement to promote the training of young people, enabling them to work in specialized meat shops (butchers, delicatessens and poultry shops). This initiative is part of the Young Talent Program of the Chamber of Spain, which offers free training to young people who do not have a valid employment contract or are students.


Convenio formación carnicería


The signing ceremony, which took place at the headquarters of the Chamber of Sabadell, was attended by the president of the Chamber, Ramon Alberich, the president of the Chamber’s Trade and Tourism Committee, Eva Fernández, and the president of the Butchers Guild, Antoni Gálvez, among others. All of them have highlighted the importance of this agreement as a great step to adapt to the new generations and make them aware of a well-paid sector with practically no unemployment rate, thus offering a great professional opportunity and of future

The meat sector, like many others, is affected by a lack of professional support on the part of the younger generations in companies and shops. Aware of this need, the Chamber of Sabadell has proposed this agreement with the Butchers Guild to promote the training and employability of young people.

The agreement establishes the creation of a 120-hour course, divided into 30 hours of theory and 90 hours of practice, which will train participants in the preparation and sale of meat, as well as in the preparation of meat products. The first edition of the course will take place from September 25 to October 30, 2024, and it is expected that between 10 and 20 students will participate.

This agreement represents a firm commitment on the part of the Chamber of Sabadell and the Butchers’ Guild to promote youth training and employment, thus contributing to the economic and social development of the demarcation.

The Business Association of Butchers, Xarcuters and Aviram de Barcelona i Comarques, a non-profit sectoral entity, represents and defends the interests of companies in the sector, with the aim of promoting professionalism and deepening the improvement of the office, in order to be able to give the public, an excellent service and product with all the food safety guarantees. The intention of the Guild is to maintain and improve the network of local establishments and not to lose one of the most important assets of our society, both in the field of street establishments and markets.

The Chamber of Commerce of Sabadell. Established in 1886, the Sabadell Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services is a public law corporation that represents the general interests of commerce and industry in the demarcation of Sabadell and its region, which has a critical mass of more than 35,000 companies and entrepreneurs. All the actions it carries out aim to contribute to the economic development of the companies in the demarcation by channeling their concerns, giving them support and promoting their general interests.


More information:

Elena Carrasco
C/ Comte Borrell 190

08029 Barcelona
[email protected]
601 317 744




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