The FEMP approves the creation of the Network of Local Meat-Producing Entities

The Governing Board of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) has approved the creation of the Network of Local Meat-Producing Entities, with the aim of defending, promoting and giving visibility to the relevance of the meat-producing activity and claiming its contribution to the rural world and the maintenance of its economic fabric, highlighting its role as a key element for population fixation and territorial cohesion.


Foro ganadero cárnico


The Meat-Producing Forum, which brings together the six interprofessional organizations of the sector (ASICI, AVIANZA, INTERCUN, INTERPOVIC, INTERPORC and PROVACUNO) has pointed out the importance of this new action in the rural area, arising from the agreement signed with the FEMP with the intention of being the basis of communication and collaboration between the private and public sectors at a municipal level.

With the birth of this new network, the aim is to transfer good practices, develop awareness-raising activities and advise municipalities on all aspects related to livestock and industrial activity carried out in their territorial area, as well as launch activities to promote the sector.

The president of the Agriculture, Livestock, Forest Management and Rural Economy Commission of the FEMP and the Ávila Provincial Council, Carlos García, has been chosen to chair the Livestock-Meat Network.

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