LEATHER NATURALLY and LEATHER WORKING GROUP (LWG) have promoted the creation of the World Leather Day, the first edition of which will be held on 30 March. This edition will be presented at APLF Dubai by Leather Working Group (LWG) and Leather Naturally (LN). The aim of this initiative is to promote leather by raising awareness of the positive attributes of leather and encouraging the industry to participate in next year’s event to make it a more far-reaching campaign.
The central message of World Leather Day in this first edition 2022 will be “Leather is a durable, versatile and recycled material”.
ACEXPIEL encourages us to participate in the promotion of World Leather Day to inspire brands, designers and consumers about the sustainability of leather and the important role it plays in a circular society where nothing is wasted, everything is reusable and ultimately biodegradable.
How to get involved?
LN has created a set of visually appealing social media tools to convey the key messages of World Leather Day 2022.
You can DOWNLOAD THE IMAGES FROM THIS LINK and share at social media
#LeatherWorking Group
#WLD, #leathernaturally, #sustainablleather, #leather #handmade #fashion #leathercraft #leathercrafters, #leatherwork #style #leathergoods #leatherbag #leatherjacket #leathershoes #leathergloves, #handcrafted #leatherfashion #genuineleather