The food and beverage sector must anticipate current geopolitical changes

The 27th IESE Food and Beverage Meeting, under the motto “In search of value creation: Innovate. Raise. Inspire”, has delved into the complex facets of value creation in the food and beverage sector. At the Meeting, various topics were debated, including aspects of geopolitical dynamics, such as the way in which political conflicts and international relations can impact the sector’s value chain. Additionally, there has been talk of the silver economy and how families and businesses navigate the new global economic cycle.


Among other topics, the regulatory landscape, sustainability imperatives and the role of technology, especially artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, in improving supply chain efficiency and product customization have also been explored. Special attention has been paid to brand value and talent management strategies, including diversification and talent attraction, retention and motivation.





Ana Aguilar, Chief Economist at Deloitte Spain, and IESE Business School professor, Mike Rosenberg, under the moderation of Miquel Lladó, addressed the role of political conflicts and international relations in the value chain and analyzed how families are coping. and companies the new global economic cycle.

As Interempresas points out, in words reported by Ana Aguilar, “although the uncertainties of recent years have relaxed, sensitivity to economic and national security has increased and sources of vulnerability have been evident, which is why they are growing. strategic autonomy or protectionist measures”.

“Companies that have been resilient in recent years now face a phase of monetary policy relaxation that brings with it certain advantages, but also new challenges.” Among other solutions, the Deloitte economist points to anticipation as the greatest competitive lever in this new environment and wanted to give 4 key points for companies:

  • Anticipate macroeconomic and geopolitical scenarios
  • Balance the search for resilience and efficiency in supply chains
  • Anticipate demographic trends that will influence consumption and the talent pool
  • Manage financing instruments in the new environment

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