The Generalitat of Catalonia will review school menus

The Generalitat of Catalonia has announced, through the regional minister for Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca i Alimentació, Òscar Ordeig, that they will review the food given in school canteens to prevent the existence of Associations of Families of Pupils (AFA) that decide to do without products such as milk or meat.



The minister explained that an agreement has been made with the departments of Health, Education and Agriculture to guarantee that a good nutritional balance and optimal variety are met in the diet of children.

“It cannot be that each AMPA, with all good will, decides which product is good and which is not. Because, of course, now it turns out that [for some people] dairy products are not good. It depends on where you go, meat is not either. So, here we stick to the Mediterranean diet and it will be the Administration who says how it should be done.”

Ordeig has stressed the importance of defining the nutritional pyramid very well and the role of institutions in ensuring a balanced diet for children.

Information obtained from  TV3.

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