The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) and the autonomous communities will activate until September 15, the action plan to control the temperature in the transport of live animals during this summer. The measures affect journeys of more than eight hours to other countries, both in the European Union and third countries.
Community legislation establishes that in long transports of live animals by road (horses, cattle, sheep, goats and pigs), a temperature range of 5 to 30 degrees Celsius must be maintained inside the vehicle, with a tolerance of +/- five degrees depending on the outside temperature.
Therefore, the vehicle must be equipped with a temperature control and recording system
Until September 15, the competent authority in the place of origin will verify that the temperature forecasts during the trip will remain within the intervals established by community regulations and journeys whose forecast exceeds 35 degrees will not be authorized.
Once the travel has been authorised, the organizer will be requested to send the temperature records made throughout the journey together with the return of the mandatory logbook to verify that the ranges provided for in current legislation have been met.