The MAPA (Ministry of Agriculture, Fishing and Food) have agreed to renew the collaboration agreement with INTEROVIC, INTERPORC and PROVACUNO for the international promotion of Spanish meat products of sheep, goats, white-coated pigs and beef, in third countries through joint participation in certain international fairs during 2020 and 2021. All these actions are subject to the evolution of the coronavirus pandemic. Anafric will inform in detail about all the initiatives in his weekly communication of the interprofessional.
The agreement, endowed with a budget of 383,750 euros, includes promotional activities in countries of great interest to these sectors, such as China, Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan and Mexico. The main objective is to make the high quality of the products of the Spanish meat sector known to the consumers of these countries, and at the same time to promote commercial contact between importers and Spanish companies.
Publication of a book on meats from Spain
As a complement to the promotional activity, the Interprofessionals and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food have agreed to edit and publish a generic book on Spanish meats, for distribution among commercial agents in the countries of interest.
The main objective is to make the high quality of the products of the Spanish meat sector known to the consumers of these countries, and at the same time to promote commercial contact between importers and Spanish companies..
This publication will include the essential characteristics of meat products and an annotated description of each of the cuts, in order to facilitate their introduction among buyers in those markets..