Interovic, Interporc, Provacuno and Asici, Avianza and Intercun, together with the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) have signed a collaboration agreement to promote the Municipal Livestock-Meat Network, an initiative launched by the Interprofessionals to work in jointly with the Spanish municipalities that have a significant presence of livestock and industrial activities in their territory.
In her speech on behalf of the six interprofessionals, Eliseu Isla stated that “having the support of the FEMP for the development of this Network is a very relevant step for this initiative. We are sure that together we will be able to join forces to make the world visible rural area and its important role in Spanish territorial cohesion, as well as in promoting innovation and progress in the livestock-meat sector “.
The Municipal Livestock-Meat Network will constitute a collaborative space to face common challenges and share experiences that stimulate activity in the rural world and in municipalities throughout the territory and was created with the purpose of recognizing the important support of municipalities in development of the chain’s activity. In fact, the joint work deployed by the companies and the municipalities has allowed the livestock-meat chain to be one of the most important economic engines in the country for a long time and to act as the largest backbone agent in Rural Spain.
Facing common challenges and sharing experiences that stimulate activity in rural areas and in municipalities throughout the territory is one of the objectives of the Network.