The REDaPORC Operational Group, led by the interprofessional Interporc, is advancing in the development of a digital platform that facilitates the reduction of the use of antibiotics in pig farms and companies. REDaPorc is aligned with the One Health strategy of the European Union, whose objective is to minimize the damage and maximize the benefits of joint management of the health of people, animals and the environment.
During the presentation of the platform at Alimentaria, Cristina Marí, from the INTERPORC Sustainability Department, highlighted that “REDaPORC seeks to identify and characterize the risk factors, for example, in biosecurity or diseases, of the consumption of antibiotics in Spanish farms of white-coated pig. In this way it will be possible to adopt individual and joint strategies to reduce the use of antibiotics”.
To this end, added Marí, “the group is working on the creation of a voluntary membership platform to capture and compare information on health risks and antibiotic consumption, between farms and companies in the pig sector”..
What we are looking for, he concluded, is “to improve the efficiency of the livestock sector in the use of resources, reduce the cost of treatments, contribute to improving the environment by minimizing emissions per kilo of meat, and preventing the generation of resistant bacteria.
REDaPORC, led by INTERPORC, has the participation of the companies Vall Companys, Cincaporc, the Caspe Livestock Cooperative Society and the Tejares Hermanos Chico Agrifood Society; the organizations National Association of Pig Livestock Producers (ANPROGAPOR) and Grup de Sanejament Porcí de Lleida (GSP); and the University of Lleida. In addition, the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) are collaborating members.