The Year of the Relay: a documentary film about the young people who are transforming the pig sector

At a crucial moment for the Spanish rural environment, the documentary film The Year of the Relay, will be released on November 14 and invites us to discover inspiring stories of young farmers who are redefining the identity of the countryside. Through their experiences, it seeks to raise awareness in society about the vitality of modern livestock farming and the connection between the new rural and urban generations. The Year of the Relay takes us into their daily lives, showing how they face the challenges of a sector that is advancing hand in hand with technological innovation and sustainability while being guardians of a cultural and environmental legacy. In this way, they demonstrate that the profession is, without a doubt, a pillar of the 21st century.


The documentary highlights the surprising similarity between the concerns of the new generations in the countryside and those in the cities: from the search for job opportunities in which to find their place to the balance between personal and professional life. “Livestock farming today is not just a job, it is a career that requires vocation, talent and training,” say its protagonists.

The Year of the Relay also aims to generate empathy towards these people, inviting the public to recognize the effort involved in producing the food that reaches our tables, essential for the health and well-being of the entire society.

In this same sense, young livestock farmers are essential to revitalizing the rural environment. With their presence and activity, they ensure the continuity of their localities that, otherwise, could disappear. The pig sector, in particular, is an international benchmark in quality standards, sustainability and animal welfare thanks to the commitment of the new generations.

About The Year of the Relay

Directed by the renowned filmmaker Laura Jou and produced by Documentales en Canarias S.L. and Zebra Producciones S.A., The Year of the Relay offers a deep and modern look at the life of young livestock farmers. With the aim of reaching a wide audience, a campaign will be carried out that includes social networks, screenings at festivals and collaborations with influencers from the rural and agri-food sector. In the same way, it can also be followed through the Amazon Prime and Rakuten TV platforms.

If you want to attend the premiere, click here: INVITATIONS

From now on, interviews can be requested through [email protected]


  • Original title: El Año del Relevo
  • Genre: Documentary
  • Production country: Spain
  • Director: Laura Jou
  • Producers: Documentales en Canarias S.L., Zebra Producciones S.A. (Izen Group)
  • Executive Production: Álvaro Bermúdez de Castro/ Miguel Toledano
  • Screenwriter: Laura Jou
  • Original idea: Begoña Berenguer/ Raúl Prat
  • Main cast:

Corominas family: Pol Toro, Paqui Toro, Fermín Corominas and Terenci Corominas.
Serentill family: Neus Serentill Lorente, Alba Serentill Lorente, Vicent Serentill Camí, Elena Lorente Royes, Juliet Massó Serentill, Agnès Massó Serentill, Simó Massó García, Txus Porta Sanuy, Carla Porta Clemente and Ares Porta Clemente.
Photography: Lorena Pages

  • Editing: Arturo Calvete
  • Music: Jonay Armas
  • Sound: Isabella Salvo

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