They seek sustainable agroecological systems for feeding sheep and goats

University of León (ULE), represented by Rafael Balaña Fouce and Estela Melcón Fernández, attended the second annual meeting of the Project entitled HaloSheep ‘Agroecological sheep/goat production system based on the valorization of halophytes of saline areas in the Mediterranean basin’ (Un Agroecological sheep/goat production system based on the valorization of halophyte plants from saline areas of the Mediterranean basin), meeting held at the Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi (MAKU), Burdur (Turkey) on November 7 and 8, 2023.



The objective of this project is to have updated knowledge about ruminant production systems focused on transferring and adapting the most innovative and updated reproduction methods to the harsh environmental conditions of the intervention areas, to achieve and expand the implementation of agroecological systems. sustainable.

This project has been funded within the PRIMA call, funding projects that are supported by the European Union’s Research and Innovation Framework Program Horizon 2020 and that contribute to the sustainable use of natural resources, economic growth and stability in the Mediterranean.

The completion of the project will be in 2025.

More information at Eurocarne.


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