UCAM and PROVACUNO create the ‘Animal Protein, Nutrition and Health Research Chair’

PROVACUNO has signed an agreement with the Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM) for the creation of the University Business Chair ‘Animal Protein, Nutrition and Health Research’, which will be based on the UCAM Campus in Murcia.

The objective of the Chair is the continuous realization of research, transfer, dissemination, teaching and innovation activities on beef as a natural source of protein, its maturation processes and release of essential amino acids and bioactive peptides with the purpose of generating advances that improve the quality of the product, optimize production processes and promote its positive impact on human health.


Cátedra UCAM y Provacuno


The presidents of both institutions, María Dolores García Mascarell and Jaime Yartu San Millán, have ratified this week the collaboration agreement for the launch of this Chair, which also aims to establish synergies between the university and the meat sector, promoting specialized training and facilitating the incorporation of the results in the market and in social awareness. In addition, it is born with an open vision, in which other research groups from Spain and abroad that are leaders in this field can collaborate.

Various activities
Among the training activities, it is contemplated, among others, the organization of conferences, seminars and congresses, collaboration in undergraduate, master’s and doctoral teaching that is taught at UCAM in the areas of interest of the Chair, collaboration in postgraduate programs and the call for awards for Master’s Degree projects and Doctoral Theses.

In relation to the research area, the Chair includes the preparation and development of joint research projects between both parties, technology transfer activities to the productive sector, the promotion of meetings of experts in the area of ​​interest of the Chair or the provision of pre-doctoral scholarships to students in order to carry out doctoral theses on topics related to the Chair.

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