Veterinarians provide scientific data on meat consumption

The College of Veterinarians of Huesca has organized a day in which veterinarians Juan Pascual and Gemma Ticó have provided scientific data on the positive aspects of meat consumption.

“It is important to dismantle the 9 myths that exist in society about meat and its consumption. The planetary diet has been widely used to demonize meat consumption,” explains Gemma Ticó. “In 2019 this diet reduced meat consumption to 3%. In 2023 they have raised it enormously by knowing that meat consumption is not harmful to the planet. Now it is fashionable to add protein to all products, and what is better than eating meat, which is the best protein, the most similar to that of people.”

Meat has protein, iron, B vitamins, especially B 12, antioxidants, immune reinforcement, fat, linoleic acid, which are essential fatty acids, it was recalled at the day.



Juan Pascual, author of the book Reasons to be omnivorous. For your health and that of the planet, he explained how, in recent years, society has blamed livestock farming for the world’s problems. “There is a part of the population that believes the story but has no data, and it even turns into political decisions that prohibit eating meat in schools, such as in important French cities.”

Pascual added that “livestock farming has more positive stories than negative ones. Animals eat remains of plants, fruits, etc., that humans cannot eat. Manure is a strategic element right now with the war in Ukraine. Livestock perform a great job of preventing fires, taking advantage of less fertile lands… Animals only emit 11% of the methane emissions in the world. “Cars and airplanes are the real pollution in the world.”


Animal welfare

Other issues discussed were those related to animal welfare, and it was recalled that there are strong regulations and royal decrees that contemplate the care of animals from birth to slaughter, as well as that there is no area in the world where more rigorous control is maintained in animal welfare than Europe. Veterinarians play a fundamental role in the care of animals to “take care of the health of people and the environment.”



At the event, figures were given stating that “diets without products of animal origin cause anemia, especially in young people. In developed countries, the incidence of iron deficiency due to lack of meat consumption is 13%.”

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