Desde Anafric, Feliz Navidad

Todo el equipo de Anafric os deseamos una muy Feliz Navidad. Disfrutad con la familia y amigos. En estos tiempos […]

Strong increase in the export of pork at the end of the year, according to the EU

The EU Commission has recently published the summer edition of its short-term outlook for agricultural markets. The Commission believes that EU pork production will show slight growth in 2020 of 0.5%. This increase in production is expected to be supported by strong prices that encourage the expansion and return of domestic demand, particularly within the food service sector.

Anafric highlights the effort and professionalism of the sheep, cattle, pig and goat sectors to guarantee a quality service and product during the state of alarm

Despite the economic, service and transport stoppage, the threat of Covid-19 has further strengthened the meat sector. From Anafric, the Spanish meat business association, wants to send a message of tranquility to the Spanish population and, above all, to highlight the «enormous effort and professionalism» that the sheep, cattle, pig and goat sector are carrying out to comply with the safety regulations established by decree 463/2020 (link to all updates to the royal decree), on the one hand, and to have their products taken to distribution points through the road transport network. ”