83% of consumers have changed their purchasing habits due to inflation. The price, ahead of the quality

The 2023 Purchasing and Consumption Habits Survey, prepared by the Consumer Associations Participation Table (MPAC), a debate forum formed by the consumer associations Avacu, FUCI, UNAE and Uncauce, together with Mercadona, has been prepared from of 3,500 families from 17 autonomous regions and the two autonomous cities during the first half of the year – has concluded that the change in the purchasing habits of Spanish society during 2023 as a consequence of the economic context consolidates a trend that began three years ago.


For the first time since the MPAC carried out this survey, there is a reduction in the purchase of fresh products, mainly fish, meat, pasta and legumes, and the consequent increase in the purchase of frozen products (for example, meat exceeds 6%). in 2022 to 10% this year and fish, from 29% to 36%).


Although proximity continues to be the main factor when choosing a shopping establishment (53%), price has overtaken quality (48% compared to 46% last year) and the latter drops to 38%, compared to to 51% in 2022.

Regarding the choice of food products, price clearly prevails and goes from 24% in 2022 to 38%, to the detriment of quality, which goes from 42% to 29%.

The supermarket remains the commercial format preferred by consumers for their food and mass consumption purchases (62%), although it decreases two points; Municipal markets also maintain their figures (6%), and purchases increase in small businesses and specialized stores and, above all, online stores, which gain 6 points and reach 7% (although only 40% indicate that they use them or will use).

For the first time since the MPAC carried out this survey, there is a reduction in the purchase of fresh products, mainly fish, meat, pasta and legumes, and the consequent increase in the purchase of frozen products (for example, meat exceeds 6%). in 2022 to 10% this year and fish, from 29% to 36%).



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