Alfonso Carrascosa, CSIC scientist and food safety expert: “The scientific veracity regarding meat cannot be measured by the views that a video”

Revista Cárnica has published an interview with Alfonso Carrascosa, CSIC scientist and food safety expert, where he highlights the health benefits of meat from the most scientific side. Alfonso Carrascosa is an expert in Food Safety and author of the book ‘The microbes we eat’.

When asked about food safety, the expert points out that “in Spain people do not die from consuming meat and neither do they get sick, except in very exceptional cases,” he indicates. “The National Center for Epidemiology states that only small gastrointestinal disorders occur and never have a fatal outcome, so they do not transcend society. There is legislation at the European level that guarantees food safety at the highest and global level. Therefore, It can be said that the European space is the safest for eating food in the world.


Alfonso Carrascosa, científico del CSIC y experto en seguridad alimentaria


Continuing with the interview, Alfonso Carrascosa explains that “the meat industry is the true protector of the consumer and people don’t know that. The meat sector in Spain has some of the most important multinationals in the world, among the first in Europe, and That’s not a coincidence.”

Regarding the WHO report that linked cancer to meat, Carrascosa is clear: “These questions respond to ideological content. Meat is a 100% complete food at a nutritional level and, furthermore, it has been a protagonist throughout the history of the being. human” and to the point that “if at any time meat has been associated with a chronic illness in some text like that of the WHO, it is the responsibility not of the meat, but of toxic products or chemicals that were in it. a balanced diet, and never to defend, as happens in certain areas of Europe, eating only meat. It is neither good nor what the meat industry defends.

In reference to the role of the scientific community in putting an end to hoaxes, the CSIC expert is consistent: “I call on people to go to the origin of the information. We must remember that there are websites, such as that of AESAN or the National Epidemiological Center of the Carlos III Institute, which are a reliable and proven source to turn to. Not all the content that appears on the mobile phone is true, there are many interests involved. Citizens sometimes believe things that even a child could say. which is a lie. Scientific veracity is not measured by the views of a video”.


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Image: Revista Cárnica

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