Anafric becomes a collaborator of Hispack 2024

Anafric becomes a collaborating entity company of Hispack, the packaging and logistics processes fair that will take place from May 7 to 10 at the Feria Barcelona site. Meats are essential foods for human development, which provide proteins and nutrients and, at the same time, require specific conservation conditions. For each sector and for each type of product, having customized packaging that allows its conservation, isolation and duration of useful life is essential, to maintain traceability, sustainability and care for the environment.

“Our sector needs packaging with special needs that, in addition, must meet the requirements of an economy that aims to eliminate plastics and move towards a circular economy. All links in the meat industry are working to be more efficient and more sustainable”, explains the president of Anafric, José Friguls. “The best way for the packaging sector to understand our needs is to be present at the reference fair and, for this reason, our collaboration is going to be essential.”



Specific needs

The type of preservation of fresh meat is not the same as that of sausages, prepared dishes or frozen meat. Fresh meat is sensitive to oxidation and requires containers that provide liquid tightness but, at the same time, it is necessary for the product to be seen transparently. The labeling of meat products is, by legislation, an essential factor that packaging companies must take into account. And for all these needs, and above all thinking about sustainable solutions, “Anafric had to be with one of the most important fairs for packaging and logistics processes.”

Hispack 2024

According to figures provided by Hispack, 43.80% of Hispack’s total visitors are packagers. And of these, 39.80% belong to the Food sector. The remaining 60.2% is distributed across different sectors of activity, following the same trend towards transversality that consolidates packaging as an increasingly strategic sector: drugstore, cosmetics and perfumery sector, chemical sector and industrial goods sector, apart from the subsector. pharmacist.

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