Webinar en exclusiva para los socios de Anafric el próximo 14 de julio: Transformación digital en el sector cárnico. Gestión documental. Vídeo inteligente. Infraestructura informática
Desde Konica Minolta, conscientes de la importancia que supone hoy día el proceso de transformación digital para todas las empresas […]
65,000 women promote the international leadership of the Spanish pig sector
65,000 women work in the Spanish pig sector, which represents 4.2 out of 10 jobs, and they play a fundamental […]
The strategic plan for nutrition in Catalonia is born
Catalonia already has a Strategic Food Plan that includes the entire value chain and that will begin in 2021 and […]
The prices of animals destined for slaughter, below the pre-Covid situation. And raw materials, they keep rising
Los precios de las materias primas empiezan a acercarse así a la anterior crisis de las materias primas, la de los años 2012-2013 y que tuvieron como consecuencia una importante bajada de producción estimada en un 10-15% pero a la que además debemos resaltar una gran diferencia. Se trata del precio de los animales destinados a sacrificio, de media un 11% inferior a los del 2012 lo que sin duda explica el motivo de esta nueva alerta.
The shelf life of meat, according to the Food Standards Agency
The UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) has published a new Shelf Life Guide for Meat. The revised guide covers fresh modified atmosphere vacuum-packed beef, lamb, and pork sold in American supermarkets. It does not apply to meats subject to further processing, such as chopping, cooking, or mixing with other ingredients such as herbs, spices, or curing salts.
EU countries, destination of German pork bound for China
La Xina, va prohibir les importacions de carn de porc de tota la nació alemanya després de detectar-se els primers casos de PPA. Tot i la prohibició les exportacions de carn de porc fresca / congelada van arribar a les 174.000 tones, que és la major quantitat enviada en un sol mes des d’octubre de 2012. Els volums van ser un 38% (48.000 tones) més alts que a l’agost i un 13% (20.000 tones) més que l’any anterior.
#RealidadGanadera, comunicando hechos sobre la ganadería española
Hoy ha tenido lugar la presentación virtual de la campaña #RealidadGanadera, comunicando hechos sobre la ganadería española, a la que han asistido más de 200 personas. La iniciativa aúna organizaciones relacionadas con el sector ganadero, con el objetivo de informar sobre el modelo de producción ganadero español y poner en valor su contribución para afrontar los retos globales, ofreciendo otra perspectiva, desmintiendo mitos y aportando evidencias sólidas al debate actual sobre la ganadería.
INTEROVIC presents its certificate in animal welfare for sheep and goat products
The novelty of this scheme is that it is based on scientific-technical criteria, of more than one hundred parameters, which define in detail the situation in which a farm and its animals find themselves. In this way, by knowing the characteristics of the livestock environment and management, as well as the state and behavior of the animals, the well-being with which the suckers, kids or lambs produced under this seal are raised can be guaranteed.
The European consumer does not understand the term “Raised in …” on the labels indicating the origin of meat
The European Commission has published a study on the importance of indications of origin of meat. Consumers consider that the country of origin labeling is important information at the point of purchase, but the study points out that the understanding of these definitions by the consumer is low and, therefore, there are doubts about the consumer’s interpretation.
Hotel sector ask for direct aid worth 8,500 milion euros
The hospitality sector, through the Juntos con la Hostelería platform (made up of FIAB, Hostelería de España and AECOC) has […]
They warn about the rise in the price of compound feed and the serious damage to farmers
(UPA) has warned about the situation suffered by a large number of small and medium-sized family livestock farms, which may be aggravated in the near future if the increase in the price of compound feed is carried out, as the industries are already announcing.