Spain leads innovation projects in the agri-food sector in Europe thanks to the work of the operational groups
Spain is the country with the largest number of innovative projects financed by the European Union (EU), supported by the […]
Europe loses 5.3 million farms in 15 years
The Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat) reported in a recent publication that the number of agricultural holdings in […]
El Paquito, the lamb sandwich with its own name, lands in Seville and Zamora
We are in luck. This June, the Ruta del Paquito, an INTEROVIC initiative, lands for the first time in Seville […]
Goat farming of the future. Yield and productivity at the XIII National Goat Forum
The XIII National Goat Forum, organized by the Andalusian Federation of Purebred Goat Associations CABRANDALUCÍA, took place on April 27 […]
Asturias destina 4 millones al sector ganadero para compensar el alza de los precios del cereal por la invasión a Ucrania
El Consejo de Gobierno de Asturias ha autorizado un gasto de cuatro millones para la convocatoria de una ayuda, temporal […]