The Spanish meat industry’s commitment to sustainability and respect for the environment is total. This is demonstrated by the survey that Eurocarne has sent to the participants of the webinar that the technical revisit has organized within the framework of the MEAT2030 strategy. Regarding the actions to promote these issues, 75% of the companies have assured that they have a policy with environmental measures in place.
From 1 to 10, they have valued with an average of 7.5 the environmental commitment of their companies in their actions. Another interesting point in the responses to the survey on these issues has been the one referring to the specific measures implemented by the meat companies. Thus, 75% of those who responded to the survey stated that they had implemented a waste management plan and 50% of them had an ISO 14001 type environmental certification. You have more information about the survey at Eurocarne.
The webinar was attended by Esperanza Orellana, MAPA’s General Director of Agricultural Productions and Markets, who, among others, launched the following messages about the livestock sector:
- Livestock accounts for 45% of all agricultural activity and creates 30 million jobs in the US, placing Spain in the third position in the EU in livestock production.
- The meat industry is the fourth industrial sector in Spain, and SMEs coexist with large companies, being a sector highly oriented to foreign trade whose exports represent 18% of total exports of goods.
- Regarding the challenge of sustainability, he said that “each company has to keep it in mind when making their business decisions” and commented that “in recent times we have witnessed an exaggerated interpretation by many media or talk shows that do not they are truly knowledgeable in the sector about its impact on the environment ”.
The general director of Agricultural Productions and Markets of MAPA has made reference to the emergence of the Green Deal or European Green Pact, within which is the Farm to fork (or “From farm to table”) strategy, which deals with sustainability comprehensive that takes into account for example food waste, food safety, reducing the use of antimicrobials or improving animal welfare. A catalog of initiatives that at the moment, she has said, lack the impact analysis.
In this sense, he said, each company has to do its own analysis to see how to approach this transition process towards more sustainable models that involve, among other issues, the circular economy or One Health, and work from innovation and knowledge.
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