After 14 hours of negotiation, the associations that make up the National Road Transport Committee have accepted the latest proposal for measures presented by the Government, which represents a package of more than €1,000 million and includes the following measures.
- Bonus of 20 cts/liter of diesel, gasoline, gas and adblue (15 cts by the State and 5 cts by the oil companies) at least until June 30.
- Direct aid to carriers, both goods and passengers in the following amounts for each vehicle:
✔€1,250 truck
✔€950 bus
✔€500 van
✔300 taxi, vtc and ambulance vehicle
- The budget allocated to aid for the abandonment of the activity of older carriers is doubled.
- Extension of the expiration and grace periods of ICO credits and creation of a new line of credit. ICOs;
- Preparation before July 31 of a bill for the application of the principles of the food chain law to the transport sector as well as for the limitation of subcontracting.
- Monthly return of professional gas oil to transport and speeding up the return to transporters, by the Treasury, of the sanitary cent declared illegal at the time.
Information published in the main press agencies.