Greenhouse gas emissions stabilize in 2022 in Catalonia and consolidate the decoupling trend with respect to GDP

The Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda has published the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data in Catalonia for the year 2022, according to the inventory prepared by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. According to the report, GHG emissions were 40.40 million tons (Mt) of CO 2 eq. Compared to the previous year, the figure represents a decrease of 0.2%, which corresponds to 88 thousand tons of CO 2 eq. In the Spanish State as a whole, on the contrary, GHG emissions rose by 2% year-on-year.




Reducción GEI



In the agricultural and livestock sector (considering agricultural and livestock activities and combustion in the sector), the reduction has been 2.5% (-0.12 million t CO 2 eq), especially emissions in fermentation enteric (-0.17 million t CO 2 eq). The waste treatment and disposal sector has significantly reduced emissions by 7.4% (-0.17 million t CO 2 eq), continuing its trend, a consequence of the decrease in the deposition of urban solid waste in landfills (-0.06 million t CO 2 eq) and the improvement of domestic wastewater treatment (-0.1 million t CO 2 eq).


While the energy sector, which includes electricity production and oil refining, considerably increased emissions in 2022, by 24.4%, equivalent to an increase of 1.04 Mt CO 2 eq, and the transport sector also increased them, although to a lesser extent (0.65 million, a 5.2% annual increase), the rest of the sectors reduced them, with a global decrease of 88 thousand tons of CO 2 eq.

Among the emission reductions, those from the industrial sector should be highlighted. This sector, which includes both emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels and emissions from processes (non-energy), drastically reduced its emissions by 10.2%, which is equivalent to 1.26 million tons of CO 2 eq. less. The reduction of emissions in the rest of the sectors: Residential, Services, Agriculture and livestock and Waste is equivalent to 0.51 million tons of CO 2 eq.


More information in this link.

*Image: Generalitat de Catalunya

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