Increase in the number and proportion of ‘organic’ cattle, sheep and goats

In Europe, cattle, sheep and goats are raised using organic methods, during a period when the EU livestock population has been declining, according to the latest data from Eurostat.


Aumento del número y la proporción de vacuno, ovejas y cabras 'ecológicos'


According to  Eurocarne, in 2022 there were 5.4 million organically raised cattle in an EU herd of 74.8 million animals (equivalent to 7.2%), compared to 4.3 million cattle in a EU herd of 77.8 million in 2018 (equivalent to 5.5%). Similarly, in 2022, 1 million dairy cows (4.9% of the EU cow herd), 6.1 million sheep (10.4% of the EU goat herd) and 1. 4 million goats (12.7% of the EU goat herd).



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